Our office, Filofi şi Trandafir Arhitectură, is an architectural design practice led by two partners, Catalin Trandafir and Irina Filofi.
As a practice, we undertake projects of all shapes and sizes, ranging from individual houses to hospitality buildings, comercial and public functions, renovations and interior design,
We enjoy projects diversity and we are always open to new challenges.
For us every project is an unique result of the process behind it, a process that reunites the desires of our client, the context and our imagination.
We keep up with new developments and technology by accessing various sources of information, participating on trainings, workshops or conferences and by collaborating with other specialists in the field, such as engineers, manufacturers or technical assistants.
We are trying to constantly explore innovations and always apply new knowledge into our projects.
Our team consists of architects, engineers and economists, working closely with collaborators, various specialists or experts in various areas and is constantly comunicating with our clients, whom we consider as a constituent part of the design process, thereby creating the framework for the best possible solution.
2019 Nominated work for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019 with Werk Restaurant Project. Fundacio Mies van der Rohe and the European Commission.
2018 ASAR Award of excellence at the Romanian Architecture Biennale 2018 („Bienala Nationala de Arhitectura”) with the project Restaurant Werk; Bucharest
2018 First prize BETA Competition 2018. DKMT Euro-region Architecture Awards with the project Restaurant Werk; Timisoara
2018 Nominated work for the Romanian Architecture Biennale - Residential Section („Bienala Nationala de Arhitectura”) with the project Casa Timis; Bucharest
2018 Big South East Europe Interior Design Awards Werk Restaurant Interior; Ljubljana, Slovenja
2018 First prize architecture section “Romanian Design Week Awards by glo” with the project Restaurant Werk; Bucharest
2018 Nominated for “Big Architecture Awards 2018” Ljubljana, Slovenja
2017 First prize „Bienala de Arhitectură Transilvania”, Category: „Architecture of community and production facilities” with Restaurant Werk Hunedoara project; Cluj-Napoca
2017 Jury Mention „Bienala de Arhitectură Transilvania”, Category: „Individual houses” with Casa Timis project; Cluj-Napoca
2016 Finalists – Challenge 66 European Architecture Awards with Casa Timis project; Madrid, Spain
2015 First prize „Bienala de Arhitectură Transilvania”, Cultural Heritage Architecture section with Potaissa spa project; Cluj-Napoca
2009 World Architecture org awards – honorary mention with Drobeta Archaeology Museum project
2021 Published in Cartea "A ≤ 40. 14 Birouri de Arhitectură din România" igloobooks - "Un nou album dedicat arhitectilor romani a aparut la igloo media. Un splendid produs editorial in care veti gasi cateva dintre lucrarile emblematice de arhitectura tanara din ultimii ani. O carte de vizita pentru 14 birouri de arhitectura din romania
intervievate de arhitecta Francoise Pamfil, redactor sef igloo. "
2021 Published in “Arhitectura Nr. 5-6/2021 – (695-696) ISSN 1220-3254 ; article "Doua Lumi - Catalin Trandafir"
2019 Published in European Union prize for Contemporary
Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Awards 2019 ISBN: English 9788494882012
2019 Published in “Arhitectura Nr.2-3/2019 – “The public favorites / Constantin Gorcea”
2019 Published in "HISE Magazine 109" with Restaurant Werk Project
2018 Published in “Case din Romania vol.9” architecture volume with Casa Timis project.
2018 Published in „Zeppelin Nr.148” architecture magazine with Restaurant Werk Project
2018 Published in “Ideal Decor Book editie de colectie” interior architecture book with Timis
2018 Published in HISE Magazine with Casa Timis project
2018 Published in „Ideal Decor XV Nr.134” magazine with Casa Timis Project
2018 Published in „Ideal Decor book 8” interior architecture book with Casa Timis Project ISBN 978-973-0-09303-2
2017 Published in „Batra 2017” architecture catalogue with Amenajare Dinca, Casa Timis and Restaurant Werk projects
2017 Published in „Zeppelin Nr.147” architecture magazine with Casa Timis Project
2017 Published in “Interioare din Romania vol.6” architecture volume with Casa Timis project ISBN 978-606-8026-52-7
2017 Published in Romanian Design Week 2017 catalogue with Casa Timis and Amenajare Dinca projects
2017 Published in „Zeppelin Nr.146” architecture magazine with SPA Potaissa project
2017 Published in „Igloo habitat&arhitectura Nr.176” architecture magazine with Casa Timis Project 2014 Published in “An iconic space reborn” publication no 7/2014 Project inspiration by Aquapanel
2016 Published in Life Book 2016 with Casa Timis Project
2014 BNA National Biennial of Architecture 2014 Exhibition with Mercedes-Benz Showroom
2011 Published in “Architecture + Concept “ book . Publisher: Cepiec, 2011, ISBN 10: 7214074656
2010 Published in “Inclinatie spre lumina” catalogue. Digital Library 1 Decembrie University Alba
2022 Exhibited in "FRAU ARCHITEKT: 100 years of women creativity - Exceptional architects from Germany and Romania"; Goethe-Institut Bucharest
2022 Member of the jury for "Science Campus Cluj-Napoca" International Design Competition; Cluj-Napoca
2021 Member of the jury for Romanian National Architecture Biennale, Section 1; Bucharest
2021 Invited guest speaker at Building Home Forum - "Better Living Design" ; Bucharest
2021 Exhibited at PACE Budapest. PACE is a selection of the most outstanding public buildings and communal architecture projects from nine East-Central European countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.
2019 Exhibited at the “19 Outstanding romanian women architects for 2019” exhibition 1919-2019 / 100 years of Romanian Women Architects; London, UK
2020 Exhibited at the “Case unifamiliale din tarile V4 si Romania” . Institutul Balassi si UAR; Bucharest
2019 Invited speaker at “(De)coding Balkan: International
conference 2019” with UAR; Belgrade, Serbia
2019 Exhibited at the Balkan Architectural Biennale – “Decoding Balkan”; Belgrade, Serbia
2019 Alternate member of the jury for “Noul Consiliu Judetean Cluj” Architectural competition; Cluj-Napoca
2019 Exhibited at BigSEE Awards 2019 Ljubljana, Slovenja
2019 Members of the jury for “Anuala de Arhitectura
Nord-Vest 2019”; Baia Mare
2019 Lecture “Banca Mondiala: Regenerare Urbana si Urbanism in Constanta” – “Interventii asupra ansamblurilor socialiste de locuinte colective”; Constanta
2019 Invited guest speaker at FORO 2019 International Forum for Reputation in Hospitality, Bucharest - “Reputation through design”
2019 Invited speaker at AAA2018; Arad
2019 NVJ 04 Cluj – Facultatea de Arhitectura; Cluj
2018 Member of the jury for “Arhitectura 6” – Architecture Biennale; Brasov
2018 Invited guest speaker at SHARE Bucharest 2018 International Architecture and Engineering Forum, Bucharest - “Interventions in historical context”
2018 WIEN DESIGN WEEK exhibition with Werk project; Wien, Austria.
2018 Big SEE Awards 2018 exhibition with Restaruant Werk project; Ljubljana, Slovenja
2018 BNA National Biennial of Architecture 2014 Exhibition with Casa TImis and Restaurant Werk 2018 Invited speaker at Knauf Academy 2018; Bucharest
2018 Romanian Design Week 2018 exhibition with Restaurant Werk project; Bucharest
2018 Invited guest speaker at Big Architecture Festival 2018 „Lectures: Architecture 180° - New World” ZavodBig - Ljubljana, Slovenja
2018 Big Architecture Festival 2018 exhibition with Casa Timis project; Ljubljana, Slovenja
2017 Romanian Design Week 2017 exhibition with Amenajare Dincă and Casa Timis projects. Main exhibition and Otopeni airport exhibition.
2015 Batra 2015 Exhibition with Spa Poitassa, Casa Ciurchea, Casa Sebeni
2015 Speaker Batra Oradea architecture conference
2014 BNA National Biennial of Architecture 2014 Exhibition with Mercedes-Benz Showroom
2013 Batra 2013 Exhibition with Hotel Unirii, Casa Frintu, Mercede-Benz projects

Andreea Pasca-Igna
Calin Craciun
Catalin Trandafir
Catalin Verciuc
Dan Filofi
Elena Chirila
Emil Horga
Irina Filofi
Maria Filofi
Collaborators and/or old colleagues:
Anca Bonta
Andrei Jugareanu
Alexandra Man
Cezara Tudosă
Cezar Cîmpeanu
Cristina Talpos
Emil Barbu
Bianca Fried
Iustin Dobrean
Romina Pasculovici
Tudor Dorian
Vlad Dinoiu